After all the publicity surrounding the decision of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts to award Anita Heiss $90,000 to write two published novels, I wanted to have a look at other lucky recipients, and follow up on money that we're all sure is well spent.
Case Study One:
In addition to being Aboriginal, Jacob Boehme (pictured below) has a both a Post Graduate Diploma and a Masters in Puppetry. I am not kidding.
In the twelve months from February 2011, to February 2012, Jacob has been showered with more than $51,000 from the same Board. $45,000 for his new company (IDJA) to put on a play described as amateurish by the SMH, $5,549 to attend a Copenhagen performing arts get-together, and $900 to go to the Performing Arts Market at the Adelaide Festival.
Case Study Two
Stephen Gilchrist (pictured below), began his career as a Trainee Assistant Curator for the National Gallery of Australia in their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Department.
This Traineeship, he says 'helped to accelerate my career trajectory and led to my appointment as Curator of Indigenous Art at the National Gallery of Victoria'. Even though he has been Curator since 2005, he is apparently still a struggling Aboriginal artist. Struggling enough to require $14,964 in funding from the Board to attend a New York residency program.
Case Study Three
Umi Arts Ltd, received $164,717 in 2010 to employ a full-time Arts worker.
It is also interesting to note that Leo Akee, a Director at Umi Arts is also a member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board . The same board that has awarded Umi Arts funding in excess of $200,000 since 2009.
It is also interesting to note that Leo Akee, a Director at Umi Arts is also a member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board . The same board that has awarded Umi Arts funding in excess of $200,000 since 2009.
Case Study Four
Ian Colless is apparently an Indigenous dancer/choreographer.

He won an unpaid year long apprenticeship in New York, to help him hone his craft. The Arts Council, rather than let an underprivileged young black man go hungry, made sure he received a grant of $32,451.00. When he wanted to travel to Canada little more than a year later, $5,000.00 was made available for him to do so.
Case Study Five
If you watched Australian Story recently, you may have come across the story of AIME and its wunderkid CEO Jack Manning Bancroft. Jack traces his Aboriginality through his mother, Bronwyn Bancroft:-

Bronwyn has her own company called 'Designer Aboriginals'. Early last year, Bronwyn herself was the recipient of $23,300.00 of the Arts Council largesse, to assist her with getting more of her artworks into the public eye.
It's easy money, especially if you happen to be connected to the right people.
Ian Colless is apparently an Indigenous dancer/choreographer.
He won an unpaid year long apprenticeship in New York, to help him hone his craft. The Arts Council, rather than let an underprivileged young black man go hungry, made sure he received a grant of $32,451.00. When he wanted to travel to Canada little more than a year later, $5,000.00 was made available for him to do so.
Case Study Five
If you watched Australian Story recently, you may have come across the story of AIME and its wunderkid CEO Jack Manning Bancroft. Jack traces his Aboriginality through his mother, Bronwyn Bancroft:-
Bronwyn has her own company called 'Designer Aboriginals'. Early last year, Bronwyn herself was the recipient of $23,300.00 of the Arts Council largesse, to assist her with getting more of her artworks into the public eye.
It's easy money, especially if you happen to be connected to the right people.
How do these grants address previous injustice and the current plight of poor aborigines? Looks like a gravy train for a select few. How do I join?
ReplyDeleteSFW - "How do these grants address previous injustice and the current plight of poor aborigines? "
ReplyDeleteThey don't. In fact, they've done precisely the opposite.
If you would like to join the growing army of pale-faces, it is reasonably easy. Claim to have a grandparent who waited until they were on their deathbed to reveal that they are in fact 'stolen', then loudly proclaim to those in the know that you always knew deep down inside that you were black. Make friends with someone on the board who hands out the certificates of Aboriginality, and refer to everyone in the Industry older than 30 as 'Aunty' or 'Uncle'. The Aboriginal Industry is full of sycophants - so tell them what they want to hear, pretend to be enthralled when they tell their stories, and you'll quickly find yourself part of their inner circle.
Finally, there is one golden rule. Never ever question another pale-face about their cultural identity - if you do, you'll find yourself on the outside looking in.
I'd love to get on that gravy train. I guess I'm just too honest. A few years ago I did a compulsory session on 'Koori Values' (I had a Vic Gov job at the time). The 'Aunty' presenting the session claimed that aborigines had special psychic powers and that we had to accept that as a fact. They could foresee the future by omens etc. I asked how they were blessed with special powers was it genetic? She got upset and glared at me. I then asked seeing as many of the 'Kooris' we engaged with were very pale at what stage of genetic mixing did the psychic powers fade. I was then ignored and she complained about me to my superiors. I didn't last long there.
ReplyDeleteSo much money wasted on crap when there are severely disadvantaged people all over the country in need of assistance. Good luck with the blog, hopefully Heiss and her friends won't take you before Justice Bromberg for hurting their feelings.
SFW - I wish I could have been in the room. It would have been priceless. What she said is just bullshit, utter bullshit (though, I'm not telling you anything you haven't figured out for yourself).
DeleteI don't mind if the Fauxborigines try to take me to court. First, you can't get blood from a stone, and second, it will be embarassing as all hell for them when it hits the press. A group of whinging, privileged, pale skinned people up against a black man with a young family, including a child with a disability. They like to prey on people like me in private, never in public.
Hi BST. I grew up with the Orchard, Troutman, Werribone and McCarthy families. All those people were magnificent. I am appalled at the likes of Heiss and Behrendt. I hope you are able to keep your blog going and further advance the true Australian Aboriginals position in life.
ReplyDeleteThanks BST, no whiteman is game to publish the truth!
ReplyDeleteWell Bolt tried it, and look what happened.
Delete1. It's utterly disgusting what happened to Andrew Bolt - and not from the hands of REAL aboriginals, but of opportunistic designer aboriginals of the kind that get into a revolving door after you and come out before you, and greedy lawyers.
Delete2. thank you for letting me say this
3. Good luck with your blog.
Rita, 'designer Aboriginals' - that's spot-on. I worked for a time in an Indigenous student support unit here in SA, loved it, but there were times when non-Aboriginal people tried it on: one guy kept ringing me and eventually came in and we chatted, but I was a bit sus, so I asked him and he gave me a story about his mother coming from an obscure part of the state - 'oh,' I said, 'my wife's aunty lived there, what was your mum's maiden name?' but of course, he hummed and ha'ed and talked about her being 'stolen'. I asked him to fill out a 'family tree' form that I knocked up and didn't hear from him again. He got into another program, and was their 'Aboriginal Student of the Year', later doing his Honours, and gaining a key policy job in Canberra. I found out later that his mum was Calabrian, a nice lady actually. But you get them. Another student threatened to take me to court if I persisted in asking about her Aboriginality, just before I got rolled from that job. She has a senior position now. Sometimes I wonder if there are any actual Aboriginal people at all in senior positions - a bit like that bearded ladies scene in The Life of Brian :)
I'm still waiting to hear back from Heiss, Behrendt etc. as to where the traditional lands of their tribe or moiety might be. I heard tell it was near Warsaw in Poland.
ReplyDeleteCudos to you BST, don't let the Mordi Litijus tribe silence you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a breath of fresh air you are BST! Keep up the good fight by exposing those who NEED to be exposed!
ReplyDeleteThe emperor has new clothes.
ReplyDeleteA begging letter:
ReplyDeleteDear BST,
Please, for the sake of your child in the future, and for your own image of strength today, never write (as you have above): "...up against a black man with a young family, including a child with a disability."
That child has to live with that disability for the rest of their life. Don't make it harder for them by publicizing it; nor for yourself by playing the "victim" card, however well meaning this may be.
Let the child tough it out. Harsh; but the way to self esteem for that child, and the fullest life possible in whatever circumstances.
And now the Crikey Pure Poison Blog are publishing this along with Catallaxy, but still it does not appear on the Black Steam Train Blog where it would be most beneficial in my opinion:
The comment below was published around 13 June 2012 on Catallaxy [after 3 days of deliberation by the moderators over there]:
...but not so far on this Black Steam Train site to which it would be best addressed...
Submitted this comment to Black Steam Train blog yesterday (9 June 2012), but alas it was not published:
Dear Black Steam Train,
May I ask if you are the Dallas Scott profiled in the Caroline Overington/Martin feature “Not so black and white” in The Australian on 24 March 2012?
Are you saying that some of the fairer rather than darker skin people pictured and identified by you in this blog are not genuinely Aboriginal and are pretending to be Aboriginal so they could access career or other benefits that are available to Aboriginal people?
If so, which seems to be the case to me on what I’m reading here, whomsoever is writing “Money well spent” does likely have a defamation exposure that will run for at least the next year after the publication was made on 29 May 2012.
I feel that freedom of speech is one of our most valuable rights, and more so when it strikes a balance with the right to protect our reputation from falsehoods.
I hope you are getting this balance right in what you publish to the world, as would only be considerate to the people you are identifying on your blog and those who care for them.
Kind regards,
David Barrow
By way of Disclosure: I am currently suing Andrew Bolt for defamation in the Supreme Court of Victoria proceeding No. S CI 2012/02412 Barrow v Bolt
I will copy and paste the reply I posted to you on Catallaxy,
I do not know why your repeated threats of defamation action are not showing on my blog. I do not moderate comments, they do not need to be approved before posting. Perhaps there is a word limit? I don’t really know.
You are more than welcome to contact whomever owns the free blog site and demand answers from them. There is no conspiracy, I just thought you posted it, chickened out and deleted it by the time I went looking to respond. I was not aware you thought I had some sort of conspiracy to silence you. If not for the link you included this time, I would have continued to assume you were posting then deleting.
In reply to your other questions:-
1) Yes, I am the guy from the article in The Australian. You’ll be happy to hear that I finally got that piece of paper. It probably won’t surprise you to learn that I am still waiting to this day for an apology for their mistake.
2) My blog is simply my opinion. And I do question the motives in those identifying as Indigenous and taking race-based, often well-paid positions and financial rewards when their heritage is overwhelmingly non-Indigenous and their upbringing not one of disadvantage, but advantage.
You can’t claim that the system is equal to all at present. If you can read and write, you’re already ahead of the most disadvantaged Aboriginal people in our state. Hardly a fair playing field.
I would also like to add to the above, tread very carefully with your words. I am who I say I am, going off and accusing me of being Andrew Bolt or anybody else with whom you have a grievance is not only dishonest, but I consider it defamatory.
Test 1 of 2
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ReplyDeleteTest 2 of 2
And now the Crikey Pure Poison Blog are publishing this along with Catallaxy, but still it does not appear on the Black Steam Train Blog where it would be most beneficial in my opinion:
Test 2 of 2
Test 2 of 2
The comment below was published around 13 June 2012 on Catallaxy [after 3 days of deliberation by the moderators over there]:
Test 2 of 2
Test 2 of 2
...but not so far on this Black Steam Train site to which it would be best addressed...
Test 2 of 2
Submitted this comment to Black Steam Train blog yesterday (9 June 2012), but alas it was not published:
Test 2 of 2
Dear Black Steam Train,
Test 2 of 2
May I ask if you are the Dallas Scott profiled in the Caroline Overington/Martin feature “Not so black and white” in The Australian on 24 March 2012?
Test 2 of 2
Test 2 of 2
Are you saying that some of the fairer rather than darker skin people pictured and identified by you in this blog are not genuinely Aboriginal and are pretending to be Aboriginal so they could access career or other benefits that are available to Aboriginal people?
Test 2 of 2
If so, which seems to be the case to me on what I’m reading here, whomsoever is writing “Money well spent” does likely have a defamation exposure that will run for at least the next year after the publication was made on 29 May 2012.
Test 2 of 2
I feel that freedom of speech is one of our most valuable rights, and more so when it strikes a balance with the right to protect our reputation from falsehoods.
Test 2 of 2
I hope you are getting this balance right in what you publish to the world, as would only be considerate to the people you are identifying on your blog and those who care for them.
Test 2 of 2
Kind regards,
David Barrow
Test 2 of 2
By way of Disclosure: I am currently suing Andrew Bolt for defamation in the Supreme Court of Victoria proceeding No. S CI 2012/02412 Barrow v Bolt
David, i suggest you seek some professional help you are so seriously unhinged i fear you may self harm.
DeleteAnd I would like to suggest to David - get stuffed. If any of the information is factually incorrect, then by all means enlighten us. But all I see in your commments is that you are unhappy about what conclusions a reader might draw from reading straight facts. If facts threaten you, then you are probably on the wrong side of things.
DeleteI am not sure what spamming my blog is supposed to achieve?
ReplyDeleteI ask that you desist from continually reposting the same comments David. If you have something new to add, please add it, but if you continue in this fashion I will have to adjust the comments on this blog to approval only.
Hi Dallas,
ReplyDeleteGordon Weiss here from The Global Mail, through Anthony Dillon. Would you please contact me at
?? Many thanks
You have done a great job of simply stating facts, and allowing the reader to draw his/her own conclusions. (I have reached the conclusion that your country has gone completely mad.) Perhaps the most chilling thing is the government's newly-acquired ability to stifle speech. You have already acquired a following that is attempting to prevent you from exposing the truth. I have a feeling it has just begun.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant work BST. YOU....are the man...
ReplyDeleteYou're a brave man BST. The Aboriginal Industry is cash cow for many unscrupulous people and organisations. We all know that if there's money involved then every carpet bagger and charlatan will home in on it. If you try to challenge them they'll use every trick in the book to silence you. These tricks range from threats of legal action to threats of violence to yourself and your family.
ReplyDeleteTake care BST, I can feel the forces of evil plotting against you. Long live freedom of speech.
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